Class ScenarioManager


@OpenApiAll public class ScenarioManager extends Object

Scenario can be manipulated from Open API.

  • The Scenario class represents a use case scenario. It contains methods for manipulating it.
  • The ScenarioManager class contains utility methods for creating and manipulating scenarios.
  • The scenario management calls should be wrapped with the session management calls.
See an example of how to create the use case scenario with the basic, alternative, and exceptional flows. Scenario can be opened in a diagram.

 // Scenario manipulation should be wrapped with the session management calls.
 SessionManager sessionManager = SessionManager.getInstance();
 sessionManager.createSession("Create scenario");

 // Creates a use case scenario.
 Scenario scenario = ScenarioManager.createScenario(useCase);
 // Sets the scenario name.
 scenario.setName("Extract money from ATM.");

 // Adds a basic flow step.
 FlowStep flowStep1 = scenario.addFlowStep();
 // Sets a name for the basic flow step.
 flowStep1.setName("Insert card");

 FlowStep flowStep2 = scenario.addFlowStep();
 flowStep2.setName("Enter pin");

 FlowStep flowStep3 = scenario.addFlowStep();
 flowStep3.setName("Good bye");

 // Adds an alternative condition for the basic flow step.
 AlternativeCondition condition = scenario.addAlternativeCondition(flowStep2);
 // Sets a condition guard.
 condition.setIfCondition("Pin correct");

 // Sets a name for the alternative flow step.
 FlowStep flowStep = condition.getAlternativeFlowSteps().get(0);
 flowStep.setName("Extract money");
 // Adds an exception type to the basic flow step.
 ExceptionType exceptionType = scenario.addExceptionType(flowStep2);

 // Sets a name for the exception type.
 exceptionType.setName("Card expired");
 // Sets a name for the exceptional flow step.
 FlowStep exceptionalFlowStep = exceptionType.getExceptionalFlowSteps().get(0);
 exceptionalFlowStep.setName("Inform customer about expired card");

 // Opens and layouts the scenario diagram.
 ScenarioManager.displayScenario(scenario, true, true, "Open ATM Scenario");

For more information about the use case scenario, see the "Use Case Scenario" section in the "MagicDraw UserManual.pdf".

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ScenarioManager

      public ScenarioManager()
  • Method Details

    • createScenario

      public static Scenario createScenario(UseCase useCase)
      Creates and initializes scenario for a given use case.
      useCase - use case for which to create scenario.
      created scenario.
    • setScenarioFactory

      public static void setScenarioFactory(ScenarioFactory scenarioFactory)
      Sets scenario factory with which to create scenarios. By setting another scenario factory it is possible to create custom scenarios.
      scenarioFactory - scenario factory with which to create scenarios.
    • displayScenario

      public static void displayScenario(Scenario scenario, boolean openDiagram, boolean layout, String sessionName)
      Displays scenario on the diagram. Performs necessary preparations and creates scenario symbols on the diagram. Creates its own session, all sessions should be closed before invoking this method. A session name can be passed.
      scenario - scenario to display.
      openDiagram - indicates whether scenario diagram should be opened.
      layout - indicates whether scenario diagram should be layouted.
      sessionName - name of the session to use in undo/redo history.