Class HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActivityLayouterOptionsGroup, ClassDiagramLayouterOptionsGroup, CompositeLayouterOptionsGroup, StateMachineLayouterOptionsGroup

@OpenApiAll public class HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup extends AbstractDiagramLayouterOptionsGroup
Hierarchic Layouter options group.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup

      public HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup(String id)
      Construct HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup
    • HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup

      public HierarchicLayouterOptionsGroup()
  • Method Details

    • initCommonDefaultValues

      protected void initCommonDefaultValues()
      initCommonDefaultValues in class AbstractDiagramLayouterOptionsGroup
    • getMinimalLayerDistance

      public int getMinimalLayerDistance()
      Get the minimal distance between shapes that reside in adjacent layers.
      int value.
    • setMinimalLayerDistance

      public void setMinimalLayerDistance(int d)
      Set the minimal distance between shapes that reside in adjacent layers.
      d - int value.
    • getMinimalShapeDistance

      public int getMinimalShapeDistance()
      Get the minimal distance between borders of two adjacent shapes on a common circle. The smaller the distance, the more compact resulting layout.
      int value.
    • setMinimalShapeDistance

      public void setMinimalShapeDistance(int d)
      Set the minimal distance between borders of two adjacent shapes on a common circle. The smaller the distance, the more compact resulting layout.
      d - value.
    • getMinimalLinkDistance

      public int getMinimalLinkDistance()
      Get the distance between adjacent pairs of horizontal path segments and between horizontal path segments and shapes.
      int value.
    • setMinimalLinkDistance

      public void setMinimalLinkDistance(int d)
      Set the distance between adjacent pairs of horizontal path segments and between horizontal path segments and shapes.
      d - new distance
    • getMinimalFirstSegmentLength

      public int getMinimalFirstSegmentLength()
      Get the minimal length of the first and last segments for orthogonal path routing, i.e. the length from the intersection points to the first or last bend point respectively.
      int value.
    • setMinimalFirstSegmentLength

      public void setMinimalFirstSegmentLength(int d)
      Set the minimal length of the first and last segments for orthogonal path routing, i.e. the length from the intersection points to the first or last bend point respectively.
      d - new length
    • getOrientation

      public String getOrientation()
      Get main layout orientation.
    • setOrientation

      public void setOrientation(String s)
      Set main layout orientation.
      s - value.
    • getSequencer

      public String getSequencer()
    • setSequencer

      public void setSequencer(String s)
    • getEdgeRouting

      public String getEdgeRouting()
      Get string representation route to oblique style with a certain number of bends.
    • setEdgeRouting

      public void setEdgeRouting(String s)
      Set string representation route to oblique style with a certain number of bends.
      s - string value.
    • setBackloopRouting

      public void setBackloopRouting(boolean b)
      Set Back Loop Routing property value in order to enabled all paths that do not point in the main layout direction will be routed as backloops.
      b - boolean.
    • getBackloopRouting

      public boolean getBackloopRouting()
      Get Back Loop Routing property value in order to enabled all paths that do not point in the main layout direction will be routed as backloops.
      true if backloop routing is enabled, false otherwise
    • setShapeAlignmentWithinLayer

      public void setShapeAlignmentWithinLayer(String value)
      Set Shape alignment within a layer.
    • getShapeAlignmentWithinLayer

      public String getShapeAlignmentWithinLayer()
      Get Shape position within a layer.
    • setUseTransposition

      public void setUseTransposition(boolean b)
      Set the transposition property value in order to enable a post-processing further reduces the number of path crossings. The post-processing step can be rather time consuming.
      b - boolean value.
    • getUseTransposition

      public boolean getUseTransposition()
      Get the transposition property value determines a post-processing further reduces the number of path crossings. The post-processing step can be rather time consuming.
    • setRemoveFalseCrossings

      public void setRemoveFalseCrossings(boolean b)
      Set Remove False Crossings property value determines a post-processing step tries to eliminate all false path crossings. A false path crossing is a path crossing between two paths that attached to the same shape.
      b - boolean value.
    • getRemoveFalseCrossings

      public boolean getRemoveFalseCrossings()
      Get Remove False Crossings property value in order to enable a post-processing step tries to eliminate all false path crossings. A false path crossing is a path crossing between two paths that attached to the same shape.
      true if should remove false crossings
    • setUseGlobalSequencing

      public void setUseGlobalSequencing(boolean b)
      Set Use Global Sequencing property value. It can be used to activate an alternative sequencing algorithm that calculates the shapes order. This algorithm tends to give better results for complex shape nesting but may produce more crossings locally than the default algorithm.
      b - boolean
    • getUseGlobalSequencing

      public boolean getUseGlobalSequencing()
      Get Use Global Sequencing property value. It can be used to activate an alternative sequencing algorithm that calculates the shapes order. This algorithm tends to give better results for complex shape nesting but may produce more crossings locally than the default algorithm.
    • setLayoutOnlyTopLevel

      public void setLayoutOnlyTopLevel(boolean b)
      Set Layout Only Top Level property value in order to keeps the relative position of symbols inside packages and performs the top level layout.
      b - boolean.
    • getLayoutOnlyTopLevel

      public boolean getLayoutOnlyTopLevel()
      Gets the Layout only top level value. It allows the inside of group nodes not to be layouted.
      true if only outer nodes should be layouter, false if all nodes should be layouted
    • isLayoutOnlyTopLevel

      public boolean isLayoutOnlyTopLevel()
      Check Layout Only Top Level property value. It indicates position of symbols inside packages is on the top level layout.
      true if should layout only the top level, but not inner group node structure
    • setMakeSubTrees

      public void setMakeSubTrees(boolean b)
      Set Make Sub trees property value to set the inheritance paths are joined into inheritance arcs.
      b - true to make trees
    • getMakeSubTrees

      public boolean getMakeSubTrees()
      Get Make Sub trees property value.
    • setLayoutLabelConsideration

      public void setLayoutLabelConsideration(String value)
      Set label consideration mode
    • getLayoutLabelConsideration

      public String getLayoutLabelConsideration()
      Get label consideration mode
    • addProperty

      public void addProperty(Property property)
      Description copied from class: AbstractPropertyOptionsGroup
      Adds property to this group. DescriptionID will be reset. To add property with description use AbstractPropertyOptionsGroup.addProperty(Property, String) method.
      addProperty in class AbstractPropertyOptionsGroup
      property - property to be added.
    • setConsiderLayoutTemplates

      public void setConsiderLayoutTemplates(boolean b)
      If set to true, leaves the elements that have layout templates unchanged.
    • getConsiderLayoutTemplates

      public boolean getConsiderLayoutTemplates()
    • getCopy

      getCopy in class AbstractDiagramLayouterOptionsGroup