All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- MACLF - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MacroChange - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.merge.macro
Macro change groups several changes into single change.
- MacroDifference - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.macro
Macro difference groups several differences into single difference.
- MAGICDRAW_NAME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.ApplicationConstants
- MAGICDRAW_PROFILE_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Constants
- MAGICDRAW_STANDARD_PROFILE_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Constants
- MagicDrawApplication - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests
Extend with this extension to run JUnit5 test group with MagicDraw application started.
- MagicDrawApplication() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawApplication
- MagicDrawProfile - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile(ProfileCache) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- MagicDrawProfile.AbstractGanttChartDiagramStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AdditionalElementImportStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AdditionalPackageImportStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AdornmentRuleStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AspectStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AssemblyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AttachedFileStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AutoGeneratedNameStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AutoNumberStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.AuxiliaryResourceStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.BannerStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.BoundaryStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.CompleteStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ConceptualViewStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ConstructorStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ControlStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.CustomImageHolderStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.CustomizationGroupNamesEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.CustomizationStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.CustomSortStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DelegateStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DeploymentViewStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DeprecatedStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DerivedPropertiesSuiteStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DerivedPropertySpecificationStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DesignModelStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DestructorStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DiagramContentFilterStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DiagramInfoStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DiagramTableMapToDataSourceStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DiagramTableStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DisclaimerConfigurationStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.DragAndDropSpecificationStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.EdStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ElementReferenceInTextStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ElementsLibraryBranchStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ElementsLibraryStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.FileViewStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.filteringPreferenceEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.GetterStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.GroupedStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.HasGroupNameStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.HyperlinkOwnerStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.IconHolderStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.IgnoreAuxFilterStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ImplementationModelStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ImportMapGroupStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ImportMapStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.InfoStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.InstanceTableStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.InvisibleStereotypeStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.LayoutTemplateStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.LegendItemStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.LegendStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.LegendUsageStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MapToDataSourceStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MergedDiagramStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MetaPropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MetricDefinitionStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MetricInstanceStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MetricSuiteStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MetricTypeEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MigrationLogStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.MountStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.NumberingSchemeStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.NumberingStyleEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.NumberOwnerStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.NumberPartStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.PackageStructureConfigurationStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ParameterDefinitionStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.PlaceOnPalettePropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ProcessViewStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ProfileUpgradeMappingRuleStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ProfileUpgradeTableStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.PropertyGroupStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.relationMapLayoutEnumerationEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.RelationMapStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ReplaceStereotypeStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ReplaceTaggedValueStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ReplaceTypeStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ReportTemplateStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.RequiresFeatureStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.RuleStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SddSubsystemStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SearchRuleStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SequenceTypeEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SetterStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SmartPackageStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SubcontentsKindEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SuggestedStringValuesStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.SuggestedValuesStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.TableDisplayModeEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.TagGroupStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.TermStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.Todo_OwnerStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.treeStructureEnumerationEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.typeModifierEnumerationEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.TypeModifierStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.UseCaseModelStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.UseCaseViewStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.ValidationBasedMetricDefinitionStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProfile.VirtualStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.uml2
- MagicDrawProgressStatusRunner - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui
Runs MagicDraw related task with progress status.
- MagicDrawProgressStatusRunner() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.MagicDrawProgressStatusRunner
- MagicDrawTestCase - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests
Base class for JUnit3 Test Cases which should be run with MagicDraw Application started.
- MagicDrawTestCase() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestCase
Default test case initialization for executing test* methods.
- MagicDrawTestCase(String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestCase
Creates MagicDrawTestCase for executing specific test method.
- MagicDrawTestCase(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestCase
Creates MagicDrawTestCase of specific name for executing specific test method.
- MagicDrawTestRunner - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests
Test runner which starts application and checks for memory leaks after each test finish.
- MagicDrawTestRunner(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.MagicDrawTestRunner
- MAGNET_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.Main
Application main startup method.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.datatypes.OSDecimalFormatSymbolsGetter
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.Utilities
- Main - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw
Application startup class.
- Main() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.Main
- MAIN_DIAGRAMS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAIN_FRAME_MAXIMIZED - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_MENU_EXPERIENCE - Static variable in interface
- main_toolbar - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.LocationInTool
main MD menu and toolbar
- MAIN_TOOLBAR_CONFIG_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAIN_TOOLBAR_EXPERIENCE - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_TOOLBAR_FLOATABLE - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_TOOLBAR_HIDABLE - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_TOOLBAR_REARRANGABLE - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_WINDOW_X - Static variable in interface
- MAIN_WINDOW_Y - Static variable in interface
- MainFrame - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui
class represents main window of the MagicDraw application. - MAKE_ACTIVE_ACTIION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_BEHAVIORAL_FEATURES_NON_ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_CLASSIFIER_ABSTRACT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_CLASSIFIER_NON_FINAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_FEATURES_PUBLIC - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_GENERALIZATION_SET_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_GENERALIZATION_SET_DISJOINT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_GENERALIZATION_SET_INCOMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_GENERALIZATION_SET_OVERLAPPING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_GENERALIZATION_SET_TREE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_PREFERRED_LAYOUT_SIZE - Static variable in interface
- MAKE_SUB_TREE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAKE_SUB_TREES - Static variable in interface
- makeActive(Element, Hyperlink) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.hyperlinks.HyperlinkUtils
Make given hyperlink as active on a given element
- makeCopy() - Method in class com.nomagic.actions.ActionsManager
Copies this manager and adds property change listeners to all actions in order to have the same action state in source and copy.
- makeCopy() - Method in class
- makeCopy() - Method in class
Make copy of property.
- makeCopy() - Method in class
- makeCopy() - Method in class
- makeEndTag(String) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.shapes.html.HTMLHelper
- makeEqual(List, List) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.Utilities
Make destination the same as source with minimum changes to destination
- makeFoundMessage(Message) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.InteractionHelper
Turns a message to a found message by removing its sending end and setting necessary properties.
- makeLostMessage(Message) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.InteractionHelper
Turns a message to a lost message by removing its receiving end and setting necessary properties.
- makeMessageOperationCallable(Message) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.InteractionHelper
If message is not call, makes it call.
- makeNotProxy(ModelElement) - Method in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.proxy.ProxyManager
Marks element as normal.
- makeOwnProperty(Property) - Method in class
Makes given property as own property even if property with such id is in parent (makes property not shared)
- MAKESELECTEDASCONTEXT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.RelationMapStereotype
- makeStartTag(String) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.shapes.html.HTMLHelper
- makeUnmodifiable() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartListenerConfig
Make config unmodifiable.
- MANAGE_FAVORITES - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MANAGE_NAVIGATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MANAGE_NAVIGATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.specifications.tree.node.IConfigurableNode
- MANAGE_PACKAGE_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MANAGE_WINDOWS_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MANAGER - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResponsibleRoleKindEnum
Indicates that the ResourceInteraction associated with the ResourceInteractionKind is a an implementation of logical flow.
- MANAGER_CHANGED - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.PropertyAction
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProtocolStackStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProtocolStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.StandardStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.FunctionalStandardStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ProtocolStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.StandardStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- MANDATEDDATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.TechnicalStandardStereotype
The date when this version of the Standard was published.
- Manifestation - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.deployments.mdartifacts
A representation of the model object 'Manifestation'.
- MANIFESTATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
' class. - MANIFESTATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
' class. - MANIFESTATION - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MANIFESTATION - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
- MANIFESTATION___ABSTRACTION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Abstraction2' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___ARTIFACT_OF_MANIFESTATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'artifact Of Manifestation' container reference feature.
- MANIFESTATION___ARTIFACT_OF_MANIFESTATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'artifact Of Manifestation' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___COLLABORATION_USE_OF_ROLE_BINDING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'collaboration Use Of Role Binding' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___COMPONENT_OF_PACKAGED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'component Of Packaged Element' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_OF_DEPLOYED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'deployment Target Of Deployed Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___ELEMENT_IMPORT_OF_IMPORTED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Import Of Imported Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___MANIFESTATION_OF_UTILIZED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'manifestation Of Utilized Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___NAMESPACE_OF_IMPORTED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Imported Member' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MANIFESTATION___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_OF_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Of Default' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_OF_OWNED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Of Owned Default' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION_OF_ACTUAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Substitution Of Actual' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION_OF_OWNED_ACTUAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Substitution Of Owned Actual' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__CLIENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MANIFESTATION__MAPPING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Mapping' containment reference.
- MANIFESTATION__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MANIFESTATION__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MANIFESTATION__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MANIFESTATION__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MANIFESTATION__OWNING_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owning Package' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION__OWNING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owning Template Parameter' container reference.
- MANIFESTATION__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MANIFESTATION__RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Related Element' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Source' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__SUPPLIER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MANIFESTATION__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Target' reference list.
- MANIFESTATION__TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Template Parameter' reference.
- MANIFESTATION__UTILIZED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Utilized Element' reference feature.
- MANIFESTATION__UTILIZED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Utilized Element' reference.
- MANIFESTATION__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MANIFESTATION__VISIBILITY__FROM_PACKAGEABLE_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility from Packageable Element' attribute.
- MANIFESTATION_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Manifestation' class.
- ManifestationClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.deployments.mdartifacts
- ManifestationNumbering - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid.custom
Numbering elements connected by <
> Relationships Feb 21, 2012 - ManifestationNumbering() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.autoid.custom.ManifestationNumbering
- MANIFESTATIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.specifications.tree.node.IConfigurableNode
- MANUAL - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.options.SyncMode
- MANUAL_CHECK - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.elementreferenceintext.UpdateMode
Text containing references shall be checked for consistency when validation is run manually
- MANUAL_LOAD - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.AutoLoadKind
- manualTask() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MANUALTASK_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use ManualTaskStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- ManualTaskStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ManualTaskStereotype
- MANY_VIEWS_ADDED - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.ExtendedPropertyNames
- ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectEStoreWithInverseEList.ManyInverse
- ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectEStoreWithInverseEList.Unsettable.ManyInverse
- ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectEStoreWithInverseResolvingEList.ManyInverse
- ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectEStoreWithInverseResolvingEList.Unsettable.ManyInverse
- ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectWithInverseEList.ManyInverse
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectWithInverseEList.Unsettable.ManyInverse
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectWithInverseResolvingEList.ManyInverse
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - ManyInverse(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.SubsetSupersetEObjectWithInverseResolvingEList.Unsettable.ManyInverse
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - map() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.ModelTransformationProfile
- MAP_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface
- MAPPING - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MAPPING - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.DiagramTableMapToDataSourceStereotype
- MAPPING - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.ImportMapStereotype
- MAPPING - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MapToDataSourceStereotype
- MAPPINGCOLUMNS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.DiagramTableMapToDataSourceStereotype
- MAPPINGCOLUMNS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.ImportMapStereotype
- MAPPINGCOLUMNS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MapToDataSourceStereotype
- MapStereotype(ModelTransformationProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.ModelTransformationProfile.MapStereotype
- mapsToCapability() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- mapsToCapability() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MAPSTOCAPABILITY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MapsToCapabilityStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MAPSTOCAPABILITY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MapsToCapabilityStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MapsToCapabilityStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MapsToCapabilityStereotype
- MapsToCapabilityStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MapsToCapabilityStereotype
- mapsToGoal() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- MAPSTOGOAL_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MapsToGoalStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MapsToGoalStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MapsToGoalStereotype
- mapToDataSource() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- MAPTODATASOURCE_DELIMITER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.DELIMITER
- MAPTODATASOURCE_EXPORTBYIDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- MAPTODATASOURCE_FIRSTCELL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.FIRSTCELL
- MAPTODATASOURCE_FIRSTROWREPRESENTSHEADING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.FIRSTROWREPRESENTSHEADING
- MAPTODATASOURCE_IDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.IDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY
- MAPTODATASOURCE_LASTMODIFIED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.LASTMODIFIED
- MAPTODATASOURCE_MAPPING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.MAPPING
- MAPTODATASOURCE_MAPPINGCOLUMNS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.MAPPINGCOLUMNS
- MAPTODATASOURCE_MARKEXPORTEDROWS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.MARKEXPORTEDROWS
- MAPTODATASOURCE_NUMBEREMPTYCOLUMNSSKIP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.NUMBEREMPTYCOLUMNSSKIP
- MAPTODATASOURCE_NUMBEREMPTYROWSSKIP_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.NUMBEREMPTYROWSSKIP
- MAPTODATASOURCE_SHEET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.SHEET
- MAPTODATASOURCE_SHEETS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.SHEETS
- MAPTODATASOURCE_SOURCEIDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.SOURCEIDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY
- MAPTODATASOURCE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MAPTODATASOURCE_SYNCPLAINTEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.SYNCPLAINTEXT
- MAPTODATASOURCE_TARGETIDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.TARGETIDENTIFICATIONPROPERTY
- MAPTODATASOURCE_URL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MapToDataSourceStereotype.URL
- MapToDataSourceStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MapToDataSourceStereotype
- mapToString(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.CollectionUtils
Serializes map to string.
- MARGIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.requirements.util.MDCustomizationForRequirements.VerificationStatusStereotype
Requirement margin
- MARK_AS_DECIDER_ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MARK_AS_INTERRUPTING_EDGE_ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- markAsAlreadyVisited(Element) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.impl.any_to_any.AnyToAnyModelTransformation
- MARKEXPORTEDROWS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.DiagramTableMapToDataSourceStereotype
- MARKEXPORTEDROWS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.ImportMapStereotype
- MARKEXPORTEDROWS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MapToDataSourceStereotype
- markMappedElement(Object) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.BaseEmfUml2Helper
Marks that element is mapped.
- markMappedElement(Object) - Method in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.helpers.BaseEmfUml2Helper
Marks that element is mapped.
- markProxy(ModelElement) - Method in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.proxy.ProxyManager
Just marks this element as proxy.
- markShortcutsModified(Action) - Static method in class com.nomagic.actions.ActionsManager
Add a mark that shortcuts are modified externally in UI
- markSkippedElement(Object) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.BaseEmfUml2Helper
Mark skipped element.
- markSkippedElement(Object) - Method in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.helpers.BaseEmfUml2Helper
Mark skipped element.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.AbstractRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.BusinessRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.DesignConstraintStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.ExtendedRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.FunctionalRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.InterfaceRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.PerformanceRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.PhysicalRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.RequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.UsabilityRequirementStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnhancedSecurityControlStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnterpriseGoalStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnterpriseObjectiveStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityControlFamilyStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- MASTER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityControlStereotype
This is a derived property that lists the master requirement for this slave requirement.
- match(String, String) - Static method in class com.nomagic.rcpf.product.utils.Utilities
algorithm for searching with wildcards.
- match(String, String) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.Utilities
Checks if given string matches given pattern with wild cards.
- matchEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.nomagic.rcpf.product.utils.Utilities
Matches empty string also
- matchIncludingEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.Utilities
Checks if given string matches given pattern with wild cards.
- materiel() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MATERIEL_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MaterielStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MATERIELEXCHANGE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalExchangeKindEnum
Indicates that the OperationalExchange associated with the OperationalExchangeKind is a logical flow of materiel (artifacts) between Functions.
- MATERIELEXCHANGE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceExchangeKindEnum
Indicates that the OperationalExchange associated with the OperationalExchangeKind is a logical flow of materiel (artifacts) between Functions.
- MATERIELEXCHANGE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.OperationalExchangeKindEnum
A flow of materiel (artifacts) between Functions.
- MaterielStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MaterielStereotype
- MatrixCell - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell
Single matrix element representation - holds information about elements and relations according to the criteria
- MatrixCell(ElementNode, ElementNode) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell.MatrixCell
- MatrixCellView - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell
Represents one cell element in the matrix
- MatrixCellView(AbstractMatrixCell) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell.MatrixCellView
Creates new cell view
- MatrixData - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel
Interface used to access dependency matrix data structure.
- MatrixDataHelper - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.configuration
Helper used to get and manage Dependency Matrix Data from external plugins.
- MatrixDataHelper() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.configuration.MatrixDataHelper
- matrixFilter() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
- MATRIXFILTER_COLUMNELEMENTTYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.COLUMNELEMENTTYPE
- MATRIXFILTER_COLUMNPROPERTYFILTER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.COLUMNPROPERTYFILTER
- MATRIXFILTER_COLUMNQUERY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.COLUMNQUERY
- MATRIXFILTER_COLUMNSCOPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.COLUMNSCOPE
- MATRIXFILTER_COLUMNSCOPEDEFINED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.COLUMNSCOPEDEFINED
- MATRIXFILTER_INCLUDEADDITIONALCONTENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.INCLUDEADDITIONALCONTENT
- MATRIXFILTER_INCLUDECUSTOMTYPESOFCOLUMNTYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
- MATRIXFILTER_INCLUDECUSTOMTYPESOFROWTYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.INCLUDECUSTOMTYPESOFROWTYPES
- MATRIXFILTER_INCLUDESUBTYPESOFCOLUMNTYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.INCLUDESUBTYPESOFCOLUMNTYPES
- MATRIXFILTER_INCLUDESUBTYPESOFROWTYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.INCLUDESUBTYPESOFROWTYPES
- MATRIXFILTER_REMOVEDCOLUMNELEMENTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.REMOVEDCOLUMNELEMENTS
- MATRIXFILTER_REMOVEDROWELEMENTS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.REMOVEDROWELEMENTS
- MATRIXFILTER_ROWELEMENTTYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.ROWELEMENTTYPE
- MATRIXFILTER_ROWPROPERTYFILTER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.ROWPROPERTYFILTER
- MATRIXFILTER_ROWQUERY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.ROWQUERY
- MATRIXFILTER_ROWSCOPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.ROWSCOPE
- MATRIXFILTER_ROWSCOPEDEFINED_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.ROWSCOPEDEFINED
- MATRIXFILTER_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile
Deprecated.use MatrixFilterStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MatrixFilterStereotype(DependencyMatrixProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.DependencyMatrixProfile.MatrixFilterStereotype
- MatrixSettings - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
Matrix settings source.
- MatrixSettings(Element) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence.MatrixSettings
Loads matrix settings for this element
- MatrixSettings.Direction - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
Dependency filter and default edit direction setting enum
- MatrixSettings.LegendLocation - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
- MatrixSettings.OwnerDisplayMode - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
Dependency Matrix group tree display modes
- MatrixSettings.RelationOption - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
Show relationships option enum
- MatrixSettings.SortingMode - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
sort mode enum
- MatrixSettings.TextDirection - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.persistence
Column elements text direction
- MAX - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.DurationSimulationModeEnum
- MAX - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.AnalysisPatternsProfile.DesignVariableStereotype
- MAX - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.TriangularStereotype
- MAX - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.BasicIntervalStereotype
- MAX - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.IntervalStereotype
- MAX - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.UniformStereotype
- MAX - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MAX_CATEGORY_ACTIONS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.actions.ActionsCategory
Default value limiting maximum action count in one category
- MAX_INT_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.options.AbstractDiagramLayouterOptionsGroup
The maximum allowed value for integer fields(e.g minimal node distance, minimal edge distance)
- MAX_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.nomagic.actions.ActionsCommandBarCreator.ListComboBox
- MAXIMAL_DEVIATION_ANGLE - Static variable in interface
- MAXIMIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.AnalysisPatternsProfile.objectiveEnum
- MAXIMIZE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.FrameStereotype
- MAXIMIZE_DIAGRAMS_ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAXIMIZE_EDITOR_WINDOWS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MAXIMUM - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ParticipantStereotype
The maximum attribute defines maximum number of Participants that MAY be involved in the Collaboration.
- MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.MaximumValueStereotype
- MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.ProgressBarStereotype
- MAXIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.SliderStereotype
- maximumValue() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile
- MaximumValueStereotype(UIPrototypingProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.MaximumValueStereotype
- MAXINT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.HistogramStereotype
To specify an upper bound value of Y-axis.
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimelineChartStereotype
To specify an upper bound value of Y-axis.
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimeSeriesChartStereotype
To specify an upper bound value of Y-axis.
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.CapabilityPropertyStereotype
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ConditionPropertyStereotype
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.EnvironmentPropertyStereotype
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MeasurementStereotype
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.PropertyStereotype
- MAXVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ServiceAttributeStereotype
- MBPLEResources - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.mbple.resources
Class responsible for loading string values from resource
- MBPLEResources() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.mbple.resources.MBPLEResources
- MD_CUSTOMIZATION_FOR_REQUIREMENT_PROFILE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.requirements.util.RequirementsConstants
- MD_CUSTOMIZATION_FOR_REQUIREMENTS_PROFILE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.requirements.util.RequirementsConstants
- MD_CUSTOMIZATION_FOR_SYSML_PROFILE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLConstants
- MD_CUSTOMIZATION_FOR_SYSML_PROFILE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLConstants
- MD_CUSTOMIZATION_FOR_SYSMOD_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLConstants
The constant for MD Customization for SYSMOD profile file name.
- MD_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the '
MD Extension
' class. - MD_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface
The meta object id for the '
MD Extension
' class. - MD_EXTENSION__CONTENTS - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'Contents' containment reference list feature.
- MD_EXTENSION__CONTENTS - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'Contents' containment reference list.
- MD_EXTENSION__DETAILS - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'Details' map feature.
- MD_EXTENSION__DETAILS - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'Details' map.
- MD_EXTENSION__ELEMENT - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'Element' container reference feature.
- MD_EXTENSION__ELEMENT - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'Element' container reference.
- MD_EXTENSION__REFERENCES - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'References' reference list feature.
- MD_EXTENSION__REFERENCES - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'References' reference list.
- MD_EXTENSION__SOURCE - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'Source' attribute feature.
- MD_EXTENSION__SOURCE - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'Source' attribute.
- MD_EXTENSION_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface
The number of structural features of the 'MD Extension' class.
- MD_ICON_TAG - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.shapes.html.HTMLHelper
- MD_OBJECT - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the '
MD Object
' class. - MD_OBJECT - Static variable in interface
The meta object id for the '
MD Object
' class. - MD_OBJECT__ID - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'ID' attribute feature.
- MD_OBJECT__ID - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MD_OBJECT__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list feature.
- MD_OBJECT__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MD_OBJECT_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface
The number of structural features of the 'MD Object' class.
- MDAction - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
This action uses
for checking enabled/disable state of assigned relative actions group(if it has some group). - MDAction(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, keystroke and group.
- MDAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, keystroke and group.
- MDActionsCategory - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
The class describes the actions' category used in MagicDraw.
- MDActionsCategory() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDActionsCategory
Creates actions category with no name
- MDActionsCategory(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDActionsCategory
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDActionsCategory(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDActionsCategory
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDActionsCategory(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDActionsCategory
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDActionsCategory(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDActionsCategory
Constructs the action with given id, name, keystroke and group.
- MDActionsCategory(String, String, KeyStroke, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDActionsCategory
Constructs the action with given id, name, keystroke and group.
- MDActionsManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
The class responsible for managing the actions and categories.
- MDCustomizationForRequirements - Class in com.nomagic.requirements.util
- MDCustomizationForRequirements(ProfileCache) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.requirements.util.MDCustomizationForRequirements
- MDCustomizationForRequirements.NumberingStyleEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.requirements.util
- MDCustomizationForRequirements.NumberOwnerStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.requirements.util
- MDCustomizationForRequirements.RequirementTableStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.requirements.util
- MDCustomizationForRequirements.RequirementTermsStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.requirements.util
- MDCustomizationForRequirements.VerificationStatusStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.requirements.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile(ProfileCache) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.AbstractReferencePropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.AlternativesStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.AnalysisStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.BlackBoxICDTableStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.BlockPropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ConceptualStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ConstraintParameterStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ConstraintPropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ContextSpecificDefaultValueStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ContextSpecificValuesHolderStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ElectricalStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ExternalModelStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.FmuStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.LogicalStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.MechanicalStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.NestedPropertyPathStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.OpticalStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.PartPropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.PatternStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.QuantityKindStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ReferencePropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.SharedPropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.SoftwareStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.SourceKindEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
p {padding:0px; margin:0px;}
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.TriangularStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.UnitStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.ValuePropertyStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.WhiteBoxICDTableStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util
- MDDialogParentProvider - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs
Parent provider for the dialogs used in MagicDraw
- MDElement - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml
This is a MagicDraw element interface.
- MDExtension - Interface in
A representation of the model object 'MD Extension'.
- MDExtensionData<T extends MDExtensionData<T>> - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.mdextensions
MDExtension data.
- MDExtensionData() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.mdextensions.MDExtensionData
- MDExtensionDifference - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.mdextensions
MDExtension difference.
- MDExtensionExistenceDifference - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.mdextensions
MDExtension existence difference.
- MDExtensionExistenceDifference.Type - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.mdextensions
Existence difference type.
- MDExtensionModificationDifference - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.mdextensions
MDExtension modification difference.
- MDExtensions - Class in
Helper methods to work with element extensions (MDExtension)
- MDExtensions() - Constructor for class
- MDFoundationAdapterFactory - Class in
The Adapter Factory for the model.
- MDFoundationAdapterFactory() - Constructor for class
Creates an instance of the adapter factory.
- MDFoundationFactory - Interface in
The Factory for the model.
- MDFoundationPackage - Interface in
The Package for the model.
- MDFoundationPackage.Literals - Interface in
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each enum, and each data type
- MDFoundationSwitch<T> - Class in
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
- MDFoundationSwitch() - Constructor for class
Creates an instance of the switch.
- MDMenuAction - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
This class represents special kind of action.
- MDMenuAction(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDMenuAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDMenuAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDMenuAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, keystroke and group.
- MDObject - Interface in
A representation of the model object 'MD Object'.
- MDStateAction - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
The class describes the action for changing some boolean state.
- MDStateAction(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDStateAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDStateAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDStateAction
Creates the action with given id, name, key stroke, group.
- MDStateAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDStateAction
Creates the action with given id, name, key stroke, group.
- MDTriStateAction - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
The class describes the action for changing some tri state (NMTriStateAction.SELECTED, NMTriStateAction.UNSELECTED, NMTriStateAction.MIXED).
- MDTriStateAction(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDTriStateAction
Constructs the action with given id, name, mnemonic key and group.
- MDTriStateAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDTriStateAction
Creates the action with given id, name, key stroke, group.
- MDTriStateAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MDTriStateAction
Creates the action with given id, name, key stroke, group.
- MEAN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.NormalStereotype
- measurableElement() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- MEASURABLEELEMENT_ACTUALMEASUREMENTSET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurableElementStereotype.ACTUALMEASUREMENTSET
- MEASURABLEELEMENT_MEASUREMENTSET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurableElementStereotype.MEASUREMENTSET
- MEASURABLEELEMENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurableElementStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MeasurableElementStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MeasurableElementStereotype
- measure() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MEASURE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MeasureStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- measurement() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- measurement() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MEASUREMENT_ENVIRONMENTALCONTEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurementStereotype.ENVIRONMENTALCONTEXT
- MEASUREMENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurementStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MEASUREMENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MeasurementStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- measurementSet() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- measurementSet() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.AchievesStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActivityStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.AffectsInContextStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.AffectsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.AliasStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ArbitraryConnectorStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ArchitecturalDescriptionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ArchitecturalReferenceStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ArchitectureMetadataStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.AssetRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.CapabilityRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.CommandStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ComparesToStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.CompetenceForRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.CompetenceToConductStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ConceptRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ControlStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.CreatesStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.DefinitionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.DesiresStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnablesStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnhancedSecurityControlStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnhancesStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnvironmentPropertyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EvokedByStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ExchangeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ExhibitsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FillsPostStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ForecastStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FunctionActionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FunctionControlFlowStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FunctionEdgeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FunctionObjectFlowStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FunctionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.GovernedByStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ImpactedByStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ImplementsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.InformationStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.IsCapableToPerformStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MapsToCapabilityStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MapsToGoalStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MeasurableElementStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MeasurementStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MetadataStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MilestoneDependencyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MitigatesStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MotivatedByStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalActivityActionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalActivityEdgeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalActivityStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalConnectorStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalConstraintStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalControlFlowStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalExchangeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalInformationRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalMessageStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalMethodStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalObjectFlowStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalParameterStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalPortStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalSignalPropertyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OperationalStateDescriptionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OrganizationInPhaseStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OwnsProcessStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OwnsRiskInContextStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OwnsRiskStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OwnsValueStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.PerformsInContextStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.PhasesStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.PresentedByStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProblemDomainStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectActivityActionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectActivityStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectMilestoneRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectSequenceStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectThemeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProtectsInContextStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProtectsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProtocolLayerStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProvidesCompetenceStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.RequiresCompetenceStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceConnectorStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceConstraintStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceExchangeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceInformationRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceMessageStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceMethodStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceParameterStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourcePortStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceSignalPropertyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceStateDescriptionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResponsibleForStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.RuleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SameAsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityConstraintStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityControlFamilyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityControlStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityProcessActionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityProcessStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SequenceStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceConnectorStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceContractStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceControlFlowStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceExchangeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceFunctionActionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceFunctionEdgeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceFunctionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceMessageStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceMethodStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceObjectFlowStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceParameterStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServicePolicyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServicePortStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceRoleStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceSignalPropertyStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ServiceStateDescriptionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.StandardOperationalActivityStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.StatusIndicatorsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.StrategicConstraintStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.StrategicExchangeStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.StructuralPartStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SupportsStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.TemporalPartStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.VersionOfConfigurationStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.VersionSuccessionStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.VisionStatementStereotype
Relates the MeasurableElement to the MeasurementSet that provides its Measurements by which it can be measured.
- MEASUREMENTSET - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.RequiresCompetenceStereotype
- MEASUREMENTSET_APPLIESFOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurementSetStereotype.APPLIESFOR
- MEASUREMENTSET_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MeasurementSetStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MEASUREMENTSET_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MeasurementSetStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MeasurementSetStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MeasurementSetStereotype
- MeasurementSetStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MeasurementSetStereotype
- MeasurementStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MeasurementStereotype
- MeasurementStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MeasurementStereotype
- MeasureStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MeasureStereotype
- measureType() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MEASURETYPE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MeasureTypeStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MeasureTypeStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MeasureTypeStereotype
- mechanical() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile
- MECHANICAL_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile
Deprecated.use MechanicalStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MechanicalStereotype(MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.MechanicalStereotype
- MEDIUM - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.RiskKindEnum
Medium indicates an acceptable level of risk
- MEDIUM_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.utils.PriorityProvider
Medium priority.
- MEMBER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.ElementGroupStereotype
Set specifying the members of the group.
- MEMBER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MEMBER_END - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MemberTextParams - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text
Base configuration for creating some classifier's member text with
. - MemberTextParams() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text.MemberTextParams
- MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.merge.Optimization
Low memory usage is preferred to performance.
- MEMORY_ALLOCATION_XMX - Static variable in interface
- MEMORY_ALLOCATION_XSS - Static variable in interface
- MENU_ACCELERATOR_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_DISABLED_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_SELECTED_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_SELECTED_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MENU_SEPARATOR_BACKGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_SEPARATOR_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in interface
- MENU_SHORTCUT_MASK - Static variable in class com.nomagic.actions.NMAction
Menu shortcut mask used to create shortcuts.
- MENU_TEXT_FONT - Static variable in interface
- MenuAction - Class in com.nomagic.actions
This class represents special kind of action.
- MenuAction(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
Construct a menu action with id and name
- MenuAction(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
Creates menu action with given id, name, and key code.
- MenuAction(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
Creates menu action with given id, name, and key code.
- MenuAction(String, String, KeyStroke) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
Creates menu action with given id, name, and KeyStroke.
- MenuAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
Creates menu action with given id, name, and KeyStroke.
- menuBar() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile
- MenuBarStereotype(UIPrototypingProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.MenuBarStereotype
- menuCanceled(MenuEvent) - Method in class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
- MenuCreatorFactory - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions
This factory returns the best instance of
to use in MagicDraw application. - MenuCreatorFactory() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.MenuCreatorFactory
- menuDeselected(MenuEvent) - Method in class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
- MenuResource - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.resources
- MenuResource() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.resources.MenuResource
- MENUS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.MenuBarStereotype
- menuSelected(MenuEvent) - Method in class com.nomagic.actions.MenuAction
Invoked when a menu is selected.
- merge(Project, ProjectDescriptor, ProjectDescriptor, ConflictResolution, ErrorHandler<Exception>, Optimization) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.merge.MergeUtil
Merge projects.
- merge(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.Utilities
Merges two vector.
- MERGE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
- MERGE_NODE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Merge Node
' class. - MERGE_NODE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Merge Node
' class. - MERGE_NODE___ACTIVITY_NODE_OF_REDEFINED_NODE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Node Of Redefined Node' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___REDEFINABLE_ELEMENT_OF_REDEFINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'redefinable Element Of Redefined Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MERGE_NODE___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Activity' container reference.
- MERGE_NODE__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MERGE_NODE__IN_GROUP - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'In Group' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__IN_INTERRUPTIBLE_REGION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'In Interruptible Region' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__IN_PARTITION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'In Partition' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__IN_STRUCTURED_NODE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'In Structured Node' container reference.
- MERGE_NODE__INCOMING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Incoming' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__IS_LEAF - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Is Leaf' attribute.
- MERGE_NODE__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MERGE_NODE__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MERGE_NODE__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MERGE_NODE__OUTGOING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Outgoing' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MERGE_NODE__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MERGE_NODE__REDEFINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Redefined Element' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__REDEFINED_NODE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Redefined Node' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__REDEFINITION_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Redefinition Context' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MERGE_NODE__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MERGE_NODE__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MERGE_NODE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Merge Node' class.
- mergeBooleanProperty(BooleanProperty, BooleanProperty) - Method in class
- mergeChoiceProperty(ChoiceProperty, ChoiceProperty) - Method in class
- mergeConfigurations(SmartListenerConfig, SmartListenerConfig) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartListenerConfig
Merges two configurations into a single configuration.
- mergeConfigurations(SmartListenerConfig, SmartListenerConfig) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartPropertyChangeListener
- mergeConfigurations(Collection<SmartListenerConfig>) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartListenerConfig
Merges given configurations into a single configuration.
- mergeConfigurations(Collection<SmartListenerConfig>) - Static method in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartPropertyChangeListener
- MERGED - Static variable in class
- MERGED_PACKAGE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MERGED_PRE1704 - Static variable in class
- mergedDiagram() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- MERGEDDIAGRAM_MERGEDFROMBOTHCONTRIBUTORS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MergedDiagramStereotype.MERGEDFROMBOTHCONTRIBUTORS
- MERGEDDIAGRAM_MERGEDSYMBOLS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MergedDiagramStereotype.MERGEDSYMBOLS
- MERGEDDIAGRAM_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MergedDiagramStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MergedDiagramStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MergedDiagramStereotype
- MERGEDFROMBOTHCONTRIBUTORS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MergedDiagramStereotype
- MERGEDSYMBOLS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MergedDiagramStereotype
- mergeElementProperty(ElementProperty, ElementProperty) - Method in class
- mergeLists(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class com.nomagic.rcpf.product.utils.Utilities
Merges two lists into newly created one.
- mergeLists(List<T>, List<T>) - Static method in class com.nomagic.utils.Utilities
Merges two lists into newly created one.
- MergeNode - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.activities.mdintermediateactivities
A representation of the model object 'Merge Node'.
- MergeNodeClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.activities.mdintermediateactivities
- mergeProperties(Property, Property, boolean, boolean) - Method in class
- mergePropertyByType(Property, Property) - Method in class
- MergeUtil - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.merge
Allows using MagicDraw project merge to merge projects.
- MergeUtil() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.merge.MergeUtil
- MESAGEPATHLANGUAGE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpressionStereotype
The Message path defines how to extract a CorrelationProperty from the Message payload.
- Message - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
A representation of the model object 'Message'.
- MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
' class. - MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
' class. - MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MESSAGE___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MESSAGE___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MESSAGE___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MESSAGE___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_REALIZING_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'information Flow Of Realizing Message' reference list feature.
- MESSAGE___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_REALIZING_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Realizing Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE___MESSAGE_END_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'message End Of Message' reference list feature.
- MESSAGE___MESSAGE_END_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message End Of Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE___MESSAGE_OF_REPLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'message Of Reply Message' reference list feature.
- MESSAGE___MESSAGE_OF_REPLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Reply Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MESSAGE___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MESSAGE___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MESSAGE__ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Argument' containment reference list feature.
- MESSAGE__ARGUMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Argument' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE__CONNECTOR - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Connector' reference feature.
- MESSAGE__CONNECTOR - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Connector' reference.
- MESSAGE__GUARD - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Guard' containment reference feature.
- MESSAGE__GUARD - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Guard' containment reference.
- MESSAGE__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MESSAGE__INTERACTION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Interaction' container reference feature.
- MESSAGE__INTERACTION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Interaction' container reference.
- MESSAGE__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE__MESSAGE_KIND - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Message Kind' attribute feature.
- MESSAGE__MESSAGE_KIND - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Message Kind' attribute.
- MESSAGE__MESSAGE_SORT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Message Sort' attribute feature.
- MESSAGE__MESSAGE_SORT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Message Sort' attribute.
- MESSAGE__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MESSAGE__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MESSAGE__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MESSAGE__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE__RECEIVE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Receive Event' reference feature.
- MESSAGE__RECEIVE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Receive Event' reference.
- MESSAGE__REPLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Reply Message' reference feature.
- MESSAGE__REPLY_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Reply Message' reference.
- MESSAGE__SEND_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Send Event' reference feature.
- MESSAGE__SEND_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Send Event' reference.
- MESSAGE__SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Signature' reference feature.
- MESSAGE__SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Signature' reference.
- MESSAGE__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MESSAGE__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE__TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Target' containment reference feature.
- MESSAGE__TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Target' containment reference.
- MESSAGE__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MESSAGE_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartListenerConfig
Listens to the message.
- MESSAGE_END - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Message End
' class. - MESSAGE_END - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Message End
' class. - MESSAGE_END___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___MESSAGE_OF_RECEIVE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'message Of Receive Event' reference feature.
- MESSAGE_END___MESSAGE_OF_RECEIVE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Receive Event' reference.
- MESSAGE_END___MESSAGE_OF_SEND_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'message Of Send Event' reference feature.
- MESSAGE_END___MESSAGE_OF_SEND_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Send Event' reference.
- MESSAGE_END___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MESSAGE_END___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MESSAGE_END__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Message' reference feature.
- MESSAGE_END__MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Message' reference.
- MESSAGE_END__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE_END__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MESSAGE_END__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MESSAGE_END__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MESSAGE_END__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE_END__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MESSAGE_END__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_END__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MESSAGE_END_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Message End' class.
- MESSAGE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Message Event
' class. - MESSAGE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Message Event
' class. - MESSAGE_EVENT___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___COMPONENT_OF_PACKAGED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'component Of Packaged Element' container reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_OF_DEPLOYED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'deployment Target Of Deployed Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___ELEMENT_IMPORT_OF_IMPORTED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Import Of Imported Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___MANIFESTATION_OF_UTILIZED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'manifestation Of Utilized Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___NAMESPACE_OF_IMPORTED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Imported Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_OF_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Of Default' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_OF_OWNED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Of Owned Default' container reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION_OF_ACTUAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Substitution Of Actual' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION_OF_OWNED_ACTUAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Substitution Of Owned Actual' container reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT___TRIGGER_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'trigger Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__BEHAVIOR - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Behavior' container reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__OWNING_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owning Package' container reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__OWNING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owning Template Parameter' container reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Template Parameter' reference.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MESSAGE_EVENT__VISIBILITY__FROM_PACKAGEABLE_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility from Packageable Element' attribute.
- MESSAGE_EVENT_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Message Event' class.
- message_false() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGE_FALSE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use Message_falseStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- Message_falseStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.Message_falseStereotype
- MESSAGE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Message' class.
- MESSAGE_KIND - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Message Kind
' enum. - MESSAGE_KIND - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Message Kind
' enum. - MESSAGE_KIND - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Message Occurrence Specification
' class. - MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Message Occurrence Specification
' class. - MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___EXECUTION_SPECIFICATION_OF_FINISH - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'execution Specification Of Finish' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___EXECUTION_SPECIFICATION_OF_START - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'execution Specification Of Start' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___MESSAGE_OF_RECEIVE_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Receive Event' reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___MESSAGE_OF_SEND_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Send Event' reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__COVERED - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Covered' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__COVERED__FROM_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Covered from Occurrence Specification' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__ENCLOSING_INTERACTION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Enclosing Interaction' container reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__ENCLOSING_OPERAND - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Enclosing Operand' container reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__GENERAL_ORDERING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'General Ordering' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Message' reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__TO_AFTER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'To After' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__TO_BEFORE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'To Before' reference list.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MESSAGE_OCCURRENCE_SPECIFICATION_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Message Occurrence Specification' class.
- MESSAGE_SIGNATURE_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartListenerConfig
Listens to message signature.
- MESSAGE_SORT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Message Sort
' enum. - MESSAGE_SORT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Message Sort
' enum. - MESSAGE_SORT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- message_true() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGE_TRUE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use Message_trueStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- Message_trueStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.Message_trueStereotype
- messageBoundaryEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGEBOUNDARYEVENT_CANCELACTIVITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageBoundaryEventStereotype.CANCELACTIVITY
- MESSAGEBOUNDARYEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageBoundaryEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageBoundaryEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageBoundaryEventStereotype
- messageCatchIntermediateEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGECATCHINTERMEDIATEEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageCatchIntermediateEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageCatchIntermediateEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageCatchIntermediateEventStereotype
- MessageClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
- MessageEnd - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
A representation of the model object 'Message End'.
- MessageEndClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
- messageEndEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGEENDEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageEndEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageEndEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageEndEventStereotype
- MessageEvent - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.commonbehaviors.mdcommunications
A representation of the model object 'Message Event'.
- MessageEventClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.commonbehaviors.mdcommunications
- messageEventDefinition() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGEEVENTDEFINITION_MESSAGEREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageEventDefinitionStereotype.MESSAGEREF
- MESSAGEEVENTDEFINITION_OPERATIONREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageEventDefinitionStereotype.OPERATIONREF
- MESSAGEEVENTDEFINITION_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageEventDefinitionStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageEventDefinitionStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageEventDefinitionStereotype
- messageFlow() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGEFLOW - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ChoreographyStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flow of the Collaboration to Message Flow of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOW - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ChoreographyTaskStereotype
- MESSAGEFLOW - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CollaborationStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flow of the Collaboration to Message Flow of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOW - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.GlobalChoreographyTaskStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flow of the Collaboration to Message Flow of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOW - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.GlobalConversationStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flow of the Collaboration to Message Flow of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOW_MESSAGEREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageFlowStereotype.MESSAGEREF
- MESSAGEFLOW_MESSAGETYPE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageFlowStereotype.MESSAGETYPE
- MESSAGEFLOW_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageFlowStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- messageFlowAssociation() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGEFLOWASSOCIATION_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageFlowAssociationStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MESSAGEFLOWASSOCIATIONS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ChoreographyStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flows of the Collaboration to Message Flows of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOWASSOCIATIONS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CollaborationStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flows of the Collaboration to Message Flows of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOWASSOCIATIONS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.GlobalChoreographyTaskStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flows of the Collaboration to Message Flows of a referenced model.
- MESSAGEFLOWASSOCIATIONS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.GlobalConversationStereotype
This attribute provides a list of mappings for the Message Flows of the Collaboration to Message Flows of a referenced model.
- MessageFlowAssociationStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageFlowAssociationStereotype
- MESSAGEFLOWREFS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CallConversationStereotype
- MESSAGEFLOWREFS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CommunicationStereotype
- MESSAGEFLOWREFS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.SubConversationStereotype
- MessageFlowStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageFlowStereotype
- MessageKind - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
- MessageKindEnum - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Message Kind', and utility methods for working with them.
- MessageOccurrenceSpecification - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
A representation of the model object 'Message Occurrence Specification'.
- MessageOccurrenceSpecificationClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
- MESSAGEPATHBODY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpressionStereotype
The Message path defines how to extract a CorrelationProperty from the Message payload.
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.CorrelationPropertyRetrievalExpressionStereotype
The specific Message the FormalExpression extracts the CorrelationProperty from.
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageBoundaryEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageCatchIntermediateEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageEndEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageEventDefinitionStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageFlowStereotype
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageStartEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageThrowIntermediateEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleBoundaryEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleCatchIntermediateEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleEndEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleStartEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleThrowIntermediateEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ParallelMultipleBoundaryEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ParallelMultipleCatchIntermediateEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ParallelMultipleStartEventStereotype
The Message MUST be supplied (if the processType attribute of the Process is set to executable).
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ReceiveTaskStereotype
A Message for the messageRef attribute MAY be entered.
- MESSAGEREF - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.SendTaskStereotype
A Message for the messageRef attribute MAY be entered.
- MESSAGES - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.specifications.tree.node.IConfigurableNode
- MessageSort - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
- MessageSortEnum - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.interactions.mdbasicinteractions
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Message Sort', and utility methods for working with them.
- messageStartEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGESTARTEVENT_ISINTERRUPTING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageStartEventStereotype.ISINTERRUPTING
- MESSAGESTARTEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageStartEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageStartEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageStartEventStereotype
- MessageTextParams - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text
Configuration for creating Message element text with
. - MessageTextParams() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text.MessageTextParams
- messageThrowIntermediateEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGETHROWINTERMEDIATEEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageThrowIntermediateEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageThrowIntermediateEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageThrowIntermediateEventStereotype
- MESSAGETYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageFlowStereotype
- MESSAGETYPE_DATATYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- messageType_initiating() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGETYPE_INITIATING_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGETYPE_INITIATING_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageType_initiatingStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageType_initiatingStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageType_initiatingStereotype
- messageType_reply() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGETYPE_REPLY_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MESSAGETYPE_REPLY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MessageType_replyStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MessageType_replyStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MessageType_replyStereotype
- MessageView - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.shapes
class is used for displaying the message icon in Communication diagram of UML Drawing Tool. - metaclass() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile
- METACLASS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.icons.ElementIconsRegistry
- METACLASS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- METACLASS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
- METACLASS_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- METACLASS_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile
Deprecated.use MetaclassStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MetaclassMap - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.helpers
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- MetaclassMap - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.helpers
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- MetaclassMap - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.helpers
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- MetaclassStereotype(StandardProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile.MetaclassStereotype
- metadata() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- metadata() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- METADATA - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.DesignRuleStereotype
- METADATA_CATEGORY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.CATEGORY
- METADATA_DUBLINCOREELEMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.DUBLINCOREELEMENT
- METADATA_DUBLINCOREELEMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.DUBLINCOREELEMENT
- METADATA_METADATASCHEME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.METADATASCHEME
- METADATA_MODMETADATAELEMENT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.MODMETADATAELEMENT
- METADATA_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.NAME
- METADATA_NAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.NAME
- METADATA_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- METADATA_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MetadataStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- METADATASCHEME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ArchitectureMetadataStereotype
A representation scheme that defines a set of Metadata.
- METADATASCHEME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MetadataStereotype
A representation scheme that defines a set of Metadata.
- MetadataStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MetadataStereotype
- MetadataStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MetadataStereotype
- METALLF - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- metamodel - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.TASRepository
- metamodel() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile
- METAMODEL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.DeprecatedStereotypesHelper
- METAMODEL_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- METAMODEL_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.resources.ResourceManager
- METAMODEL_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile
Deprecated.use MetamodelStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MetaModelResource - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.resources
This class is used to retrieve the resources from the metamodel resource bundle files.
- MetaModelResource() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.resources.MetaModelResource
- MetamodelStereotype(StandardProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile.MetamodelStereotype
- metamodelVersion - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.TASRepository
- metaProperty() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METAPROPERTY_NEWNAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetaPropertyStereotype.NEWNAME
- METAPROPERTY_NEWTYPES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetaPropertyStereotype.NEWTYPES
- METAPROPERTY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetaPropertyStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- METAPROPERTY_SUGGESTEDVALUES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetaPropertyStereotype.SUGGESTEDVALUES
- MetaPropertyStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MetaPropertyStereotype
- METHOD - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.TransactionStereotype
TransactionMethod is an attribute that defines the technique that will be used to undo a Transaction that has been canceled.
- METHOD - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.ViewpointStereotype
The methods used to construct the views for this viewpoint.
- METHOD - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ViewpointStereotype
The methods employed in the development of the Viewpoint.
- METHOD - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- METHOD_NAME_GET_PROP_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.automaton.AutomatonMacroAPI
- METHOD_NAME_SET_PROP_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.automaton.AutomatonMacroAPI
- METHODOLOGYUSED - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ArchitecturalDescriptionStereotype
Name of the documented methodology that will be or has been used in describing the architecture.
- METHODS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ViewpointStereotype
- metricDefinition() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICDEFINITION_ABBREVIATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetricDefinitionStereotype.ABBREVIATION
- METRICDEFINITION_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetricDefinitionStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MetricDefinitionStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MetricDefinitionStereotype
- metricInstance() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICINSTANCE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetricInstanceStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MetricInstanceStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MetricInstanceStereotype
- METRICS_BROWSER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- metricSuite() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICSUITE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetricSuiteStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- METRICSUITE_TARGET_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MetricSuiteStereotype.TARGET
- MetricSuiteStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MetricSuiteStereotype
- METRICTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.ValidationBasedMetricDefinitionStereotype
Select the type of the metric to calculate.
- METRICTYPE_DATATYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICTYPE_ELEMENT_QUANTITY_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICTYPE_FAILED_ELEMENT_PERCENTAGE_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICTYPE_FAILED_ELEMENT_QUANTITY_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICTYPE_FAILURE_QUANTITY_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICTYPE_PASSED_ELEMENT_PERCENTAGE_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- METRICTYPE_PASSED_ELEMENT_QUANTITY_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- mExporterDescriptions - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.ProjectUtilities
- MICROSECOND - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimeUnitKindEnum
- migrationLog() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- MIGRATIONLOG_LOGENTRY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MigrationLogStereotype.LOGENTRY
- MIGRATIONLOG_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MigrationLogStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MigrationLogStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MigrationLogStereotype
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualOrganizationalResourceStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualOrganizationStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualPersonStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualPostStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualProjectStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualResourceStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualResponsibilityStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ActualResponsibleResourceStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.CapabilityConfigurationStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.FieldedCapabilityStereotype
Relates an ActualResource to the ActualProjectMilestones.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.KnownResourceStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.NaturalResourceStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OrganizationalResourceStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.OrganizationStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.PersonStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.PhysicalResourceStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.PostStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ProjectStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceArchitectureStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceArtifactStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceMitigationStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourcePerformerStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResourceServiceStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ResponsibilityStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityEnclaveStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SoftwareStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SystemStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.TechnologyStereotype
Relates ResourcePerformer to ProjectMilestones that affect it.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.CapabilityConfigurationStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.OrganizationalResourceStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.OrganizationStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.OrganizationTypeStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.PersonTypeStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.PhysicalArchitectureStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.PhysicalResourceStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.PostStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ResourceArtifactStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ResponsibilityStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.RoleTypeStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ServiceAccessStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.SoftwareStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.SystemResourceStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- MILESTONE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.SystemStereotype
A Linked milestone.
- milestoneDependency() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- MILESTONEDEPENDENCY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MilestoneDependencyStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MilestoneDependencyStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MilestoneDependencyStereotype
- milestoneSequence() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MILESTONESEQUENCE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MilestoneSequenceStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MilestoneSequenceStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MilestoneSequenceStereotype
- MILLISECOND - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimeUnitKindEnum
- MIN - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.DurationSimulationModeEnum
- MIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.AnalysisPatternsProfile.DesignVariableStereotype
Specify the minimum value that a Design Variable can reach.
- MIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.TriangularStereotype
- MIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.BasicIntervalStereotype
- MIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.IntervalStereotype
- MIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.UniformStereotype
- MIN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MINIMAL_FIRST_SEGMENT_LENGTH - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_LAYER_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_PATH_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_PATH_LENGTH - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_PATH_LENGTH_CIRCULAR - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_PATH_TO_PATH_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_SEVERITY_LEVEL - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_SHAPE_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface
- MINIMAL_SHAPE_TO_PATH_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface
- MINIMIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.AnalysisPatternsProfile.objectiveEnum
- MINIMIZE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.FrameStereotype
- MINIMUM - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.ParticipantStereotype
The minimum attribute defines minimum number of Participants that MUST be involved in the Collaboration.
- MINIMUM_PATH_DISTANCE - Static variable in interface
- MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.MinimumValueStereotype
- MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.ProgressBarStereotype
- MINIMUM_VALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.SliderStereotype
- minimumValue() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile
- MinimumValueStereotype(UIPrototypingProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uimodeling.UIPrototypingProfile.MinimumValueStereotype
- MININT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- MINUS_SIGN - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.datatypes.OSDecimalFormatSymbolsGetter
- MINUTE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimeUnitKindEnum
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.HistogramStereotype
To specify a lower bound value of Y-axis.
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimelineChartStereotype
To specify a lower bound value of Y-axis.
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimeSeriesChartStereotype
To specify a lower bound value of Y-axis.
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.CapabilityPropertyStereotype
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ConditionPropertyStereotype
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.EnvironmentPropertyStereotype
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MeasurementStereotype
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.PropertyStereotype
- MINVALUE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ServiceAttributeStereotype
- mission() - Method in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
- MISSION - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.ChallengeKindEnum
Indicates that the Challenge associated with this ChallengeKind is a demanding or stimulating situation that applies to one or more Missions or Enduring Tasks of the enterprise.
- MISSION - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.HighLevelOperationalConceptStereotype
Mission that is described by this HighLevelOperationalConcept.
- MISSION_MISSIONAREA_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MissionStereotype.MISSIONAREA
- MISSION_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile
Deprecated.use MissionStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MISSIONAREA - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MissionStereotype
The area in which the Mission will take place.
- MissionStereotype(UPDMProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MissionStereotype
- mitigates() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- MITIGATES_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MitigatesStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MitigatesStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MitigatesStereotype
- MITIGATINGACTUALRESOURCE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.EnhancedSecurityControlStereotype
Relates an actual mitigation (an ActualResource for mitigating a Risk) to a SecurityControl.
- MITIGATINGACTUALRESOURCE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityControlFamilyStereotype
Relates an actual mitigation (an ActualResource for mitigating a Risk) to a SecurityControl.
- MITIGATINGACTUALRESOURCE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.SecurityControlStereotype
Relates an actual mitigation (an ActualResource for mitigating a Risk) to a SecurityControl.
- MIXED - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.actions.NMTriStateAction.ACTION_STATE
- MIXED - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.GatewayDirectionEnum
- MODAF - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ArchitectureFrameworkKindEnum
Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework.
- MODE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
- Model - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.auxiliaryconstructs.mdmodels
A representation of the model object 'Model'.
- MODEL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
' class. - MODEL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
' class. - MODEL___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MODEL___CLASSIFIER_OF_INHERITED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'classifier Of Inherited Member' reference list.
- MODEL___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MODEL___COMPONENT_OF_PACKAGED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'component Of Packaged Element' container reference.
- MODEL___CONSIDER_IGNORE_FRAGMENT_OF_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'consider Ignore Fragment Of Message' reference list.
- MODEL___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MODEL___DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_OF_DEPLOYED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'deployment Target Of Deployed Element' reference list.
- MODEL___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MODEL___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MODEL___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MODEL___DURATION_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'duration Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MODEL___ELEMENT_IMPORT_OF_IMPORTED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Import Of Imported Element' reference list.
- MODEL___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MODEL___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MODEL___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MODEL___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Source' reference list.
- MODEL___INFORMATION_FLOW_OF_INFORMATION_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'information Flow Of Information Target' reference list.
- MODEL___MANIFESTATION_OF_UTILIZED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'manifestation Of Utilized Element' reference list.
- MODEL___MESSAGE_OF_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'message Of Signature' reference list.
- MODEL___NAMESPACE_OF_IMPORTED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Imported Member' reference list.
- MODEL___NAMESPACE_OF_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'namespace Of Member' reference list.
- MODEL___PACKAGE_IMPORT_OF_IMPORTED_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'package Import Of Imported Package' reference list.
- MODEL___PACKAGE_MERGE_OF_MERGED_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'package Merge Of Merged Package' reference list.
- MODEL___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MODEL___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MODEL___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_OF_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Of Default' reference list.
- MODEL___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_OF_OWNED_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Of Owned Default' container reference.
- MODEL___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION_OF_ACTUAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Substitution Of Actual' reference list.
- MODEL___TEMPLATE_PARAMETER_SUBSTITUTION_OF_OWNED_ACTUAL - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'template Parameter Substitution Of Owned Actual' container reference.
- MODEL___TIME_OBSERVATION_OF_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'time Observation Of Event' reference list.
- MODEL__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MODEL__CLIENT_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Client Dependency' reference list.
- MODEL__ELEMENT_IMPORT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Import' containment reference list.
- MODEL__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MODEL__IMPORTED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Imported Member' reference list.
- MODEL__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MODEL__MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Member' reference list.
- MODEL__NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name' attribute.
- MODEL__NAME_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Name Expression' containment reference.
- MODEL__NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Namespace' reference.
- MODEL__NESTED_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Nested Package' reference list.
- MODEL__NESTING_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Nesting Package' reference.
- MODEL__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MODEL__OWNED_DIAGRAM - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Diagram' containment reference list.
- MODEL__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MODEL__OWNED_MEMBER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Member' reference list.
- MODEL__OWNED_RULE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Rule' containment reference list.
- MODEL__OWNED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Stereotype' reference list.
- MODEL__OWNED_TEMPLATE_SIGNATURE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Template Signature' containment reference.
- MODEL__OWNED_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Type' reference list.
- MODEL__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MODEL__OWNING_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owning Package' container reference.
- MODEL__OWNING_TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owning Template Parameter' container reference.
- MODEL__PACKAGE_IMPORT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Package Import' containment reference list.
- MODEL__PACKAGE_MERGE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Package Merge' containment reference list.
- MODEL__PACKAGED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Packaged Element' containment reference list.
- MODEL__PROFILE_APPLICATION - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Profile Application' containment reference list.
- MODEL__QUALIFIED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Qualified Name' attribute.
- MODEL__SUPPLIER_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Supplier Dependency' reference list.
- MODEL__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MODEL__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MODEL__TEMPLATE_BINDING - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Template Binding' containment reference list.
- MODEL__TEMPLATE_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Template Parameter' reference.
- MODEL__URI - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'URI' attribute.
- MODEL__VIEWPOINT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Viewpoint' attribute feature.
- MODEL__VIEWPOINT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Viewpoint' attribute.
- MODEL__VISIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility' attribute.
- MODEL__VISIBILITY__FROM_PACKAGEABLE_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Visibility from Packageable Element' attribute.
- MODEL_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface
- MODEL_ELEMENT_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.symbols.reflect.SymbolFeatureTypes
References to element from model (element id).
- MODEL_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Model' class.
- MODEL_INITIALIZATION - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.CustomizationGroupNamesEnum
- MODEL_MODEL_LIBRARY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.icons.ElementIconsRegistry
- MODEL_OBJECT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Model Object
' class. - MODEL_OBJECT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Model Object
' class. - MODEL_OBJECT___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'representation Text' attribute feature.
- MODEL_OBJECT___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MODEL_OBJECT__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MODEL_OBJECT__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MODEL_OBJECT_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Model Object' class.
- MODEL_PROPERTIES_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MODEL_TRANSPORMATIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MODEL_VISUALIZER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- ModelAssociationObject - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.ext.jmi.reflect
- ModelAssociationObject() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.ext.jmi.reflect.ModelAssociationObject
- modelChanged(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.transaction.ModelTransaction
Handles model change event.
- ModelClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.auxiliaryconstructs.mdmodels
- ModelComparator - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.common.comparators
Base interface for model comparing used by ProjectsComparator.
- ModelComparatorFilter - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.tests.common.comparators
Base interface of filters used to skip unnecessary model elements during models comparison.
- ModelElementProvider - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml
Class provides model element for action which can be used in browser, diagram and anywhere where ModelElement is accessible.
- ModelElementsManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml
The utility class for ModelElements adding, removing and moving to other parents.
- ModelElementsProvider - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml
Class provides model elements for action which can be used in browser, diagram and anywhere where ModelElement is accessible.
- ModelEObjectEList<E> - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
Base class for all transient collections of the model.
- ModelEObjectEList(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModelEObjectEList
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - ModelEObjectResolvingEList<E> - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
Supports resolving of proxies.
- ModelEObjectResolvingEList(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModelEObjectResolvingEList
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - ModelEStoreEList<E> - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
A list that delegates to a store.
- ModelEStoreEList(InternalEObject, EStructuralFeature) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModelEStoreEList
Creates and initializes a new
instance. - ModelHelper - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers
Model Utility class.
- ModelHelper() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.helpers.ModelHelper
- ModelHierarchyVisitor - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.impl
- ModelHierarchyVisitor() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.ModelHierarchyVisitor
- MODELIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.FmuStereotype
- modelLibrary() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile
- MODELLIBRARY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile
Deprecated.use ModelLibraryStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- ModelLibraryStereotype(StandardProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.StandardProfile.ModelLibraryStereotype
- ModelListener - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.transaction
Listener for model changes.
- ModelLockProvider - Class in
The class implementation provides a bridge between model's implementation and the application.
- ModelLockProvider() - Constructor for class
- MODELNAME - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.MDCustomizationForSysMLProfile.FmuStereotype
- ModelObject - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.base
A representation of the model object 'Model Object'.
- ModelObjectClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.base
- modelPackage - Static variable in class
The cached model package.
- modelPackage - Static variable in class
The cached model package
- modelPackage - Static variable in class
The cached model package.
- modelPackage - Static variable in class
The cached model package
- modelPackage - Static variable in class
The cached model package.
- modelPackage - Static variable in class
The cached model package
- modelPackage - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.util.UMLAdapterFactory
The cached model package.
- modelPackage - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.util.UMLSwitch
The cached model package
- modelSwitch - Variable in class
The switch that delegates to the
methods. - modelSwitch - Variable in class
The switch that delegates to the
methods. - modelSwitch - Variable in class
The switch that delegates to the
methods. - modelSwitch - Variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.util.UMLAdapterFactory
The switch that delegates to the
methods. - ModelTextCreator - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text
Contains methods to create representation text for various model elements
- ModelTextCreator() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text.ModelTextCreator
- ModelTransaction - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.transaction
One Transaction, objects of this type can be reused.
- ModelTransformation - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
Interface for model transformation.
- ModelTransformationInfo - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
Interface for model transformation info
- ModelTransformationProfile - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationProfile(ProfileCache) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.ModelTransformationProfile
- ModelTransformationProfile.directionKindEnum - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationProfile.MapStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationProfile.NamingRuleStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationProfile.TransformationStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationProfile.TransformStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationProfile.TypeMapStereotype - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
- ModelTransformationsManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
ModelTransformationsManager organizes process of application of model transformation.
- ModelTransformationsWizardInformation - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations
Model Transformations Wizard Information
- ModelTransformationsWizardInformation() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.ModelTransformationsWizardInformation
- ModelValidationResult - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.transaction
- ModelValidationResult(BaseElement, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.transaction.ModelValidationResult
- ModelValidationResult.Severity - Enum Class in com.nomagic.uml2.transaction
- ModelValidator - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.transaction
Checks if model changes are allowed and model state after changes are consistent.
- ModelVisitor - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.impl
- ModelVisitorAdapter - Class in com.nomagic.uml2.impl
- ModelVisitorAdapter() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.ModelVisitorAdapter
- ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList<E> - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
A derived list representing a union of all the elements from its source features.
- ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList(Class<?>, InternalEObject, int, int[]) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList
Creates and initializes a new
from specified parameters. - ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList.DerivedUnionIterator - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
Non resolving
iterator. - ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList.DerivedUnionResolvingIterator - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
iterator. - ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList.EmptyDerivedUnionListIterator - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util
iterator. - Modification - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Difference with some kind of element modification.
- MODIFICATION_DATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.DiagramInfoStereotype
- ModificationInfo - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Additional information about difference for
. - ModificationKind - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Type of modification.
- MODIFIED_INFOS - Static variable in class
Will have a list of modification instances
- MODIFIEDAT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.AttachedFileStereotype
- MODIFIEDAT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.ReportTemplateStereotype
- MODMETADATAELEMENT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.ArchitectureMetadataStereotype
If the meta data corresponds to the MOD Meta-Data Standard, then the meta-data element name should be listed here.
- MODMETADATAELEMENT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.updm.utils.UPDMProfile.MetadataStereotype
If the meta data corresponds to the MOD Meta-Data Standard, then the meta-data element name should be listed here.
- MODULE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.ExtendedPropertyNames
- MODULE_OPTIONS_BROWSER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- ModuleInfo - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Module information.
- ModuleInfo.ProjectType - Enum Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Defines project type.
- MODULES_ACTION_GROUP - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MODULES_DIRS - Static variable in interface
- MODULESOPT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- ModulesService - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules
An utility class to work with modules (attached projects).
- ModulesService() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModulesService
- ModulesService.ModuleHasElementWithSameIDAsInPrimaryException - Exception in com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules
An exception that indicates that module cannot be imported because there is an element with same Local ID in the primary project
- ModulesService.ModuleHasOrphanProxiesException - Exception in com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules
- ModulesService.UsedViaReadOnlyAutomaticUsageException - Exception in com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules
Thrown when module(s) can not be removed due to all paths from primary project to it contains a read only
usage - ModuleUsage - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules
Information about module attachment on some owner.
- ModuleUsage(IProject, IProject) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.ModuleUsage
- ModuleUsageDifference - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Difference when module usage is changed, this can happen when new module is used, module is not longer used.
- ModuleUsageDifference.Mount - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff
Mount info.
- ModuleUsageLockAcquisitionException - Exception in com.nomagic.magicdraw.teamwork2.locks
An exception that is thrown to signal that a required module usage could not be locked
- ModuleUsageLockAcquisitionException(ModuleUsage) - Constructor for exception com.nomagic.magicdraw.teamwork2.locks.ModuleUsageLockAcquisitionException
Creates new instance of
- ModuleUsageLockedByOtherException - Exception in com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.refactor.move
Indicates that module usage is locked by another user
- ModuleUsageLockedByOtherException(ModuleUsage, String) - Constructor for exception com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.refactor.move.ModuleUsageLockedByOtherException
Creates new instance of
- moe() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile
- MOE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile
Deprecated.use MoeStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MoeStereotype(SysMLProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.sysml.util.SysMLProfile.MoeStereotype
- mof_getRepository() - Method in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.reflect.AbstractRefBaseObject
- Mof2EmfUml2MetaclassMap - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v2.export.convert
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- Mof2EmfUml2MetaclassMap - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v3.export.convert
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- Mof2EmfUml2MetaclassMap - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.export.convert
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- Mof2EmfUml2MetaclassMap - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.export.convert
MagicDraw UML2 model metaclass --> Eclipse (EMF) UML2 model metaclass
- MofDescriptor - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.mof
MOF type description.
- MofElementCreator - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.imp0rt.convert.element
MagicDraw model element creator
- MofElementCreator - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v2.imp0rt.convert.element
MagicDraw model element creator
- MofElementCreator - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.imp0rt.convert.element
MagicDraw model element creator
- MofElementCreator - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.imp0rt.convert.element
MagicDraw model element creator
- MofFeatureValueSetter - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v2.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter
- MofFeatureValueSetter - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter
- MofFeatureValueSetter - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter
- MofFeatureValueSetter - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter
- MofFeatureValueSetter(String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v2.imp0rt.convert.feature.MofFeatureValueSetter
- MofFeatureValueSetterImpl - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter implementation.
- MofFeatureValueSetterImpl - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter implementation.
- MofFeatureValueSetterImpl - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.imp0rt.convert.feature
MagicDraw model element feature value setter implementation.
- MofFeatureValueSetterImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.imp0rt.convert.feature.MofFeatureValueSetterImpl
- MofFeatureValueSetterImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.imp0rt.convert.feature.MofFeatureValueSetterImpl
- MofFeatureValueSetterImpl(String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.imp0rt.convert.feature.MofFeatureValueSetterImpl
- MofPlugin - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.mof
Plugin provides MOF (EMOF and CMOF) export/import functionality.
- mofRepository - Variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.reflect.AbstractRepository
- MofRepository() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.reflect.AbstractRepository.MofRepository
- MofType - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.mof
MOF type enumeration.
- MofUml2ElementsCreatorManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v2.imp0rt.convert.element
Registers MofElementCreators for Eclipse UML2 model metaclasses
- MofUml2ElementsCreatorManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v3.imp0rt.convert.element
Registers MofElementCreators for Eclipse UML2 model metaclasses
- MofUml2ElementsCreatorManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.imp0rt.convert.element
Registers MofElementCreators for Eclipse UML2 model metaclasses
- MofUml2ElementsCreatorManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.imp0rt.convert.element
Registers MofElementCreators for Eclipse UML2 model metaclasses
- MofUml2ElementsCreatorManager - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.imp0rt.convert.element
Registers MofElementCreators for Eclipse UML2 model metaclasses
- MofUml2FeatureValueSettersManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v2.imp0rt.convert.feature
Registers FeatureValueSetter for MagicDraw UML model metaclasses
- MofUml2FeatureValueSettersManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v3.imp0rt.convert.feature
Registers FeatureValueSetter for MagicDraw UML model metaclasses
- MofUml2FeatureValueSettersManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v4.imp0rt.convert.feature
Registers FeatureValueSetter for MagicDraw UML model metaclasses
- MofUml2FeatureValueSettersManager - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.v5.imp0rt.convert.feature
Registers FeatureValueSetter for MagicDraw UML model metaclasses
- MofUml2FeatureValueSettersManager - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.emfuml2xmi.imp0rt.convert.feature
Registers FeatureValueSetter for MagicDraw UML model metaclasses
- monitoring() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MONITORING_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MonitoringStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MonitoringStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MonitoringStereotype
- MONTH - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.simulation.SimulationProfile.TimeUnitKindEnum
- MORE_LESS - Static variable in class com.nomagic.ui.DialogConstants
- motivatedBy() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- MOTIVATEDBY_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MotivatedByStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MotivatedByStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MotivatedByStereotype
- motivationalElement() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
- MOTIVATIONALELEMENT_ID_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MotivationalElementStereotype.ID
- MOTIVATIONALELEMENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MotivationalElementStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MOTIVATIONALELEMENT_TEXT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF
Deprecated.use MotivationalElementStereotype.TEXT
- MotivationalElementStereotype(UAF) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uaf.UAF.MotivationalElementStereotype
- mount() - Method in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
- MOUNT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile
Deprecated.use MountStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MountedPackageInfo - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules
Mounted package info.
- MountedPackageInfo(Package, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.core.modules.MountedPackageInfo
- MountStereotype(MagicDrawProfile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.MountStereotype
- MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON_ACTION - Static variable in interface
- move(int, int) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModelEStoreEList
Moves the object at the source index of the list to the target index of the list and returns the moved object.
- move(int, int) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList
Move is not supported however the method returns value at old index.
- move(int, int) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.RedefiningEObjectEList
Moves the object from the old position to the new position.
- move(int, E) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.ModifiableDerivedUnionEObjectEList
Does nothing.
- move(int, E) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.util.RedefiningEObjectEList
Moves the object to the new position, if is in the list.
- MOVE_CONNECTED_PATH_ON_SHAPE_MOVE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MOVE_DEPENDENT_MESSAGES - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MOVE_ELEMENT_TO_OTHER_PROJECT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MOVE_RELATION_TO_SUGGESTED_OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MOVE_RELATION_WHEN_MOVING_END - Static variable in interface
- MOVE_TO_FREE_SPACE - Static variable in interface
- MovedElementRemovedOnServerException - Exception in com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.refactor.move
A special exception which is thrown if a moved element is removed on the server (i.e.
- MovedElementRemovedOnServerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.refactor.move.MovedElementRemovedOnServerException
Creates new instance of
- moveElement(Element, Element) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.ModelElementsManager
Moves given element from current parent into the given one.
- moveElements(Collection<Element>, Element) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.Refactoring.Moving
Moves all elements to the new owner.
- moveElementsWithRelations(Collection<Element>, Element) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.Refactoring.Moving
Moves all elements to the new owner.
- movePresentationElement(PresentationElement, PresentationElement, Point) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.PresentationElementsManager
Moves a presentation element to the given parent and the specified location.
- movePresentationElement(PresentationElement, PresentationElement, Point, boolean) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.PresentationElementsManager
Moves a presentation element to the given parent and the specified location.
- movePresentationElement(PresentationElement, Point) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.PresentationElementsManager
Moves a presentation element to the specified location.
- movePresentationElements(List<PresentationElement>, PresentationElement, Point) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.PresentationElementsManager
Moves a list of presentation elements to the given parent and the specified location.
- movePresentationElements(List<PresentationElement>, PresentationElement, Point, boolean) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.PresentationElementsManager
Moves a list of presentation elements to the given parent and the specified location.
- movePresentationElements(List<PresentationElement>, Point) - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.openapi.uml.PresentationElementsManager
Moves a list of presentation elements to the specified location.
- moveSlotReference(Property, Property, InstanceSpecification, InstanceSpecification, InstanceSpecification) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml2.Links
Updates slots when link ends were changed
- moveToUsedProject(Project, Map<PackageableElement, Element>, boolean) - Static method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.esi.EsiUtils
Moves elements to used project(s).
- Moving() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.Refactoring.Moving
- MSGWIN - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MT_DESTINATION_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface
- MT_LAST_SELECTED_TRANSFORMATION - Static variable in interface
- MT_LAST_SELECTED_TYPE_MAP_PROFILE - Static variable in interface
- MT_LAST_SELECTED_TYPE_MAP_PROFILE_DIRECTION - Static variable in interface
- MT_RESET_SYMBOL_PROPERTIES_TO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.impl.any_to_any.AnyToAnyModelTransformationInfo
- MT_SHOW_WARNING_TRANSFORMATION_IN_PLACE - Static variable in interface
- MT_TRANSFORMATION_IN_PLACE - Static variable in interface
- mTransformationMap - Variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.modeltransformations.impl.any_to_any.AnyToAnyModelTransformation
- MU_REMEM_SERVER_BETWEEN_SESSION - Static variable in interface
- MU_REMEM_USER_BETWEEN_SESSION - Static variable in interface
- MULTI - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.magicdraw.dependencymatrix.datamodel.cell.DependencyDirection
Multiple dependencies
- MULTI_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.NumberingStyleEnum
- MULTIINSTANCEBEHAVIOR_ALL_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIINSTANCEBEHAVIOR_COMPLEX_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIINSTANCEBEHAVIOR_DATATYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIINSTANCEBEHAVIOR_NONE_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIINSTANCEBEHAVIOR_ONE_LITERAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_BEHAVIOR_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.BEHAVIOR
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_COMPLETIONCONDITION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.COMPLETIONCONDITION
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_COMPLEXBEHAVIORDEFINTION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.COMPLEXBEHAVIORDEFINTION
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_INPUTDATAITEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.INPUTDATAITEM
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_ISSEQUENTIAL_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.ISSEQUENTIAL
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_LOOPCARDINALITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.LOOPCARDINALITY
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_LOOPCOUNTER_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.LOOPCOUNTER
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_LOOPDATAINPUTREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.LOOPDATAINPUTREF
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_LOOPDATAOUTPUTREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.LOOPDATAOUTPUTREF
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_NONEBEHAVIOREVENTREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.NONEBEHAVIOREVENTREF
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_NUMBEROFACTIVEINSTANCES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.NUMBEROFACTIVEINSTANCES
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_NUMBEROFCOMPLETEDINSTANCES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.NUMBEROFCOMPLETEDINSTANCES
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_NUMBEROFINSTANCES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.NUMBEROFINSTANCES
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_NUMBEROFTERMINATEDINSTANCES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.NUMBEROFTERMINATEDINSTANCES
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_ONEBEHAVIOREVENTREF_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.ONEBEHAVIOREVENTREF
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_OUTPUTDATAITEM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.OUTPUTDATAITEM
- MULTIINSTANCELOOPCHARACTERISTICS_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristicsStereotype
- MULTILINETEXTPROPERTIES - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.MagicDrawProfile.CustomizationStereotype
- MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_SELECTION_MODE - Static variable in interface
- multiple_false() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLE_FALSE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use Multiple_falseStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- Multiple_falseStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.Multiple_falseStereotype
- MULTIPLE_MODE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.selection.SelectionMode
Multiple selection mode (with initial multiple selection).
- MULTIPLE_MODE_SINGLE_INITIAL - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.ui.dialogs.selection.SelectionMode
Multiple selection mode with initial single selection mode.
- multiple_true() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLE_TRUE_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use Multiple_trueStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- Multiple_trueStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.Multiple_trueStereotype
- multipleBoundaryEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLEBOUNDARYEVENT_CANCELACTIVITY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleBoundaryEventStereotype.CANCELACTIVITY
- MULTIPLEBOUNDARYEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleBoundaryEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MultipleBoundaryEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleBoundaryEventStereotype
- multipleCatchIntermediateEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLECATCHINTERMEDIATEEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleCatchIntermediateEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MultipleCatchIntermediateEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleCatchIntermediateEventStereotype
- multipleEndEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLEENDEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleEndEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MultipleEndEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleEndEventStereotype
- MultipleModelElementAction - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.actions
Base class for actions to work with multiple model elements.
- MultipleModelElementAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.actions.MultipleModelElementAction
- MultipleModelElementAction(String, String, KeyStroke, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.actions.MultipleModelElementAction
- MultiplePersistentPropertyDifference<T> - Interface in com.nomagic.magicdraw.diff.symbols
Difference when persistent property with multiplicity more than one is changed.
- multipleStartEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLESTARTEVENT_ISINTERRUPTING_PROPERTY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleStartEventStereotype.ISINTERRUPTING
- MULTIPLESTARTEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleStartEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MultipleStartEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleStartEventStereotype
- multipleThrowIntermediateEvent() - Method in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
- MULTIPLETHROWINTERMEDIATEEVENT_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile
Deprecated.use MultipleThrowIntermediateEventStereotype.STEREOTYPE_NAME
- MultipleThrowIntermediateEventStereotype(BPMN2Profile) - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.cbm.profiles.BPMN2Profile.MultipleThrowIntermediateEventStereotype
- MULTIPLICITY - Static variable in class com.nomagic.magicdraw.variants.PropertyNames
- MULTIPLICITY_0_1 - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
- MULTIPLICITY_1 - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
- MULTIPLICITY_ASTERISK - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
The asterisk for human representation of UnlimitedInteger.
- MULTIPLICITY_CONFIG - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.ext.jmi.smartlistener.SmartListenerConfig
Listens to the multiplicity.
- MULTIPLICITY_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.UML2Definitions
The delimiter of multiplicity range upper and lower bounds.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
Multiplicity Element
' class. - MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The meta object id for the '
Multiplicity Element
' class. - MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___ACTIVITY_PARTITION_OF_REPRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'activity Partition Of Represents' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___COMMENT_OF_ANNOTATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'comment Of Annotated Element' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___CONSTRAINT_OF_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'constraint Of Constrained Element' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___DIAGRAM_OF_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'diagram Of Context' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Source' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___DIRECTED_RELATIONSHIP_OF_TARGET - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'directed Relationship Of Target' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___ELEMENT_OF_SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Of Sync Element' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___ELEMENT_TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Element Tagged Value' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___ELEMENT_VALUE_OF_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'element Value Of Element' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___RELATIONSHIP_OF_RELATED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'relationship Of Related Element' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT___REPRESENTATION_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'representation Text' attribute.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__APPLIED_STEREOTYPE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Applied Stereotype' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__ID - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'ID' attribute.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__IS_ORDERED - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Is Ordered' attribute feature.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__IS_ORDERED - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Is Ordered' attribute.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__IS_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Is Unique' attribute feature.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__IS_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Is Unique' attribute.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__LOWER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Lower' attribute feature.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__LOWER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Lower' attribute.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__LOWER_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Lower Value' containment reference feature.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__LOWER_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Lower Value' containment reference.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__MD_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Md Extensions' containment reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__OWNED_COMMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Comment' containment reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__OWNED_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owned Element' reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__OWNER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Owner' reference.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__SYNC_ELEMENT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Sync Element' reference.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__TAGGED_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Tagged Value' containment reference list.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__UPPER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Upper' attribute feature.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__UPPER - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Upper' attribute.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__UPPER_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Upper Value' containment reference feature.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT__UPPER_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The feature id for the 'Upper Value' containment reference.
- MULTIPLICITY_ELEMENT_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.metadata.UMLPackage
The number of structural features of the 'Multiplicity Element' class.
- MultiplicityElement - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel
A representation of the model object 'Multiplicity Element'.
- MultiplicityElementClass - Interface in com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel
- MultiplicityTextParams - Class in com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text
Configuration for creating Multiplicity text with
. - MultiplicityTextParams() - Constructor for class com.nomagic.magicdraw.uml.text.MultiplicityTextParams
- MUPROJECTS - Static variable in interface com.nomagic.magicdraw.actions.ActionsID
- MUST_ISOLATE - Static variable in class com.nomagic.uml2.impl.PropertyNames
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
with no "UML" addition in name. Use {@link Application#runtimeInternal#MAGICDRAW_UML} if old reference is required (usually for import).