Class NotificationManager


@OpenApiAll public class NotificationManager extends Object
Entry point to display notifications in MagicDraw. Two types of notifications can be displayed: application level and container level. Container lever notifications are displayed in special container that implements NotificationsContainer interface. When show notification method is called component owner parameter should point to notification container. If application level notification must be displayed, null parameter should be passed as component owner.
  • Constructor Details

    • NotificationManager

      protected NotificationManager()
      Creates new Notification manager instance. Constructor made protected to implement singleton pattern
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static NotificationManager getInstance()
      Returns single Notification manger instance
      Notification manager instance
    • openNotificationWindow

      public void openNotificationWindow(Notification notification, boolean openWindow)
      Shows notification in notification window
      notification - notification
      openWindow - flag, if true opens notification window
    • setOpenWindowAfterLoad

      public static void setOpenWindowAfterLoad(boolean openWindowAfterLoad)
    • isOpenWindowAfterLoad

      public static boolean isOpenWindowAfterLoad()
    • setHasNewMessages

      public static void setHasNewMessages(boolean hasNewMessages)
    • hasNewMessages

      public static boolean hasNewMessages()
    • showNotification

      public void showNotification(Notification notification)
      Shows application level notification in right bottom corner with default display parameters.
      notification - notification to show
    • showNotification

      public void showNotification(Notification notification, NotificationViewConfig config)
      Shows application level notification in right bottom corner with display parameters specified in config object.
      notification - notification to show
      config - notification display parameters
    • showNotification

      public void showNotification(Notification notification, @CheckForNull Component owner)
      Shows application or container level notification with default display parameters. If owner is not null and implements NotificationsContainer interface, the notification is displayed in owner's specific display area.
      notification - notification to show
      owner - notification display container
    • showNotification

      public void showNotification(Notification notification, @CheckForNull Component owner, @CheckForNull NotificationViewConfig config)
      Shows application or container level notification with specified display parameters. If owner is not null and implements NotificationsContainer interface, the notification is displayed in owner's specific display area.
      notification - notification to show
      owner - notification display container
      config - notification display parameters
    • hideNotifications

      public void hideNotifications(String notificationID)
      Hides notifications with specified id
      notificationID - notification id
    • hideNotifications

      public void hideNotifications(@CheckForNull Component owner)
      Hides all notifications for component.
    • isNotificationVisible

      public boolean isNotificationVisible(String notificationID)
      Returns true if notification with specified id is shown
      notificationID - notification id
    • logHyperlinkedTextNotifications

      public void logHyperlinkedTextNotifications(String text, @CheckForNull Map<String,Runnable> callbacks)
      Logs hyperlinked text to Notification window without displaying balloon message.
      text - text with hyper links.
      callbacks - callbacks that will be executed when link in text is selected
    • getApplicationNotificationsBuilder

      public NotificationViewBuilder getApplicationNotificationsBuilder()
      Returns builder that creates and displays application notifications
      builder that creates and displays application notifications
    • setApplicationNotificationsBuilder

      public void setApplicationNotificationsBuilder(NotificationViewBuilder applicationNotificationsBuilder)
      Sets builder that creates and displays application notifications
      applicationNotificationsBuilder - builder that creates and displays application notifications
    • getContainerNotificationsBuilder

      public NotificationViewBuilder getContainerNotificationsBuilder()
      Returns builder that creates and displays container notifications
      builder that creates and displays container notifications
    • setContainerNotificationsBuilder

      public void setContainerNotificationsBuilder(NotificationViewBuilder containerNotificationsBuilder)
      Sets builder that creates and displays container notifications
      containerNotificationsBuilder - builder that creates and displays container notifications
    • getApplicationNotificationGroupBuilder

      public NotificationViewBuilder getApplicationNotificationGroupBuilder()
      Returns builder that creates and displays grouped application notifications
      builder that creates and displays grouped application notifications
    • setApplicationNotificationGroupBuilder

      public void setApplicationNotificationGroupBuilder(NotificationViewBuilder applicationNotificationGroupBuilder)
      Sets builder that creates and displays grouped application notifications
      applicationNotificationGroupBuilder - builder that creates and displays grouped application notifications
    • getErrorConfig

      public NotificationViewConfig getErrorConfig()
      Returns display parameters for notification with severity error
      display parameters for notification with severity error
    • getWarningConfig

      public NotificationViewConfig getWarningConfig()
      Returns display parameters for notification with severity warning
      display parameters for notification with severity warning
    • getInfoConfig

      public NotificationViewConfig getInfoConfig()
      Returns display parameters for notification with severity info
      display parameters for notification with severity info
    • getConfig

      public NotificationViewConfig getConfig(Notification notification)
      Helper method that returns predefined display parameters determined by notification severity level.
      notification - notification for which display parameters should be returned
      notification display parameters specific to its severity
    • addNotificationShowingConfigurator

      public void addNotificationShowingConfigurator(Predicate<Notification> notificationShowingConfigurator)
      Adds custom logic configurator in order to limit shown notifications.
      notificationShowingConfigurator - configurator which limits shown notifications. Should return true if notification should be shown.