2024x API

This package contains extensions to swing actions.
This package contains extensions to awt and swing components.
Package contains constants, interfaces and predefined actions.
This package contains core classes of MagicDraw application.
This package provides classes to implement model transformations.
This package contains helper classes for API users for accessing UML model and notation elements.
This package provides classes to create plugins.
This package provides properties used MagicDraw.
Package provides GUI classes.
This package provides actions used in MagicDraw GUI elements.
Package provides classes to access browser.
This package provides actions to be used in browser.
UML package contains all OMG UML 1.4 Semantics and OMG UML 1.4 Notation implementation.
UML metamodel classes are in two packages : foundation and behavioralelements.
This version of API provides access only to foundation package.

Symbols package contains UML Notation implementation.
The symbols package contains implementation of all UML notation elements, all helper classes, structures and mechanisms for elements containing, storing, manipulating, displaying and etc.
The base class for all notation elements is PresentationElement.
Package contains implementation of all types of paths notation described in UML.
Shapes package contains all types of shapes (nodes) notation described in UML Notation Guide.